Introduction Questions

  1. Hi I'm Virginia, I'm a senior in Communication Design with a second major in Anthropology- Global Health & Environment
  2. My coding background includes struggling in AP Compsci in high school and my partial work in this course last semester before I had to withdraw. I'm here because it's required, but more importantly to solidify my execution of all the skills I was starting to learn a few months ago!
  3. I have what I learned last partial semester, but I really need practice
  4. I hope to become comfortable and confident with the basic html construction skills in a way that I am able to build off of in the future.
  5. Designing for the screen gets much more complicated specifically on the coding side of design, is that there are so many different screen sizes, and you must design a page that is able to retain it's reconizable and functional design along with organizational elements across highly variable screen sizes
  6. In my search, stuck out to me as a great example of effective design because of the visual intrigue upon first opening the home page. The photo shapes, icons and text all work within the ecommerce webpage to successfully elevate the products.
  7. Stood out to me as displaying effective communication via generous margins and seamless inclusion of photos to communicate a narrative through an article.
  8. After going through some of the pages of this site, I was suprised at how interactive yet seamless the interface of the website is. It was easy to navigate back and forth without excess content or navigational tools, which highlights the authors' relating intent and content via design.